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Are you tired of dealing with orange sinks and rusty fixtures? Is cleaning up iron buildup becoming a daily hassle? Say goodbye to those laborious days and iron-laden tap water because we’re here to solve your problems! The reason your sink, bathroom floor, walls, and vessels are accumulating brown or orange residue is due to excess iron in your water. This occurs when frequently used water carries a high iron content. To rid your water of excess iron, we recommend using an iron filter as a water purifier. If you’re noticing orange iron residue in your home, it’s time to take action and solve the problem once and for all. Before we delve into the myriad benefits of iron filters and discuss how to select the ideal one, let’s start by introducing iron filters and exploring their different types.

How do we Define Iron Filters?

Iron water filters are designed to reduce iron and other harmful contaminants from water. These filters are constructed to provide you with sparkling clean water that is odorless and colorless, ideal for drinking, cooking, washing, and bathing. Depending on the level of iron saturation present in the water, your installer will need to install the correct number of filters to completely eliminate iron from your tap water. Now, let’s discuss the various water pollutants that enter your house along with iron. This information will help you determine which filter will be best for your needs.

Common Water Pollutants

  • Organically-Bound Iron
You might have wondered why water smells foul when it contains iron. Individually, iron doesn’t have a bad odor. However, when iron combines with the tannins present in tap water, it results in discolored water with a foul smell. This water may be unsafe for consumption.

  • Soluble Ferrous Iron
While minute particles of soluble ferrous iron are typically invisible to the naked eye, upon letting a glass of water rest, you will notice these particles gradually settling towards the bottom of the vessel.

  • Insoluble Ferric Iron
Unlike soluble ferrous iron, insoluble ferric iron is visible to our eyes. Ferric iron imparts a brownish or orangish tinge to water and causes ugly orange patterns all over your bathtubs, sinks, kitchen, and bathroom floors. It can also emit an unpleasant odor if left unclean. The recommended way to deal with the saturation of ferric iron in water is to install technologically advanced iron filters. These filters are designed to address problems related to ferric iron and other common hard water contaminants.

  • Bacteria
Besides various iron found in water, there are also sticky bacteria that attach themselves to iron particles for nourishment, thus compromising tap water quality. These bacteria resemble leeches, attaching to hosts and traveling with them. While the presence of this bacteria may be harmless to consumers, it degrades water quality. To eliminate such contaminants, seek professional assistance to assess your water quality and choose the ideal iron water filter.

Highly Recommended Iron Removal Systems for you

  • Iron Removal Plants for Large-Scale Industries

The function of these plants is to cleanse hard water on a large scale. The clean water is then stored and sent to various industries that use water in reasonable amounts, as well as to different households in the locality for domestic use. It is noteworthy that GSI approves these plants for the oxidation procedure.

  • Iron Water Filter System for both Commercial and Residential Use
These filters have proven to be very resourceful for industrial, residential, and commercial use. An iron water filter system actively reduces ferrous and non-ferrous iron, manganese, and other small particles from tap water to ensure it is safe for consumption. Before installing water softeners in your residential, commercial, or industrial space, it is vital to reduce hard water contaminants using iron filter systems. You can then install water softeners for enhanced cleaning.

  • For enhanced cleaning – The Reverse Osmosis Water System
Furthermore, if you live in a region with hard water characteristics, you may need additional services such as reverse osmosis water systems to ensure good quality water. These systems employ enhanced water filtration methods that detect and separate iron, along with countless other suspended particles, from drinking water. Reverse osmosis filters are highly preferred and easy-to-use water filtration solutions found in households, commercial, and industrial properties. The reverse osmosis mechanism allows them to reduce both small and large particles from the water, as well as harmful chemicals that may be present along with other impurities.

  • Iron Removal Systems to reduce Unnecessary Chemical and Biological Components
These cleaning procedures differ from those mentioned above. How? They sieve out impurities using chemical and biological tactics via their filters. These systems detect contaminants in tap water that may otherwise go unnoticed or pass through other iron water filters. Highly convenient to use, they purify water in a more sophisticated and oxidizing environment. These systems operate through various biological and chemical applications to enhance water quality. Microbiologists assert that chemical water treatment is more effective than biological remedies.

  • Clarifier Systems
Clarifier systems are essential in areas where people regularly encounter issues with hard water. Initially, these systems reduce heavy solid particles from water stored in wells or tanks. Additionally, homeowners facing excessive iron buildup utilize clarifier systems to quickly eliminate iron particles. Operating under high pressure, these systems facilitate the easy deposition of iron chunks at the bottom of the well or tank.

Why Are Iron Filters a Necessity to Purify Water?

  • Helps to Make the Water Fit for Consumption: It is a well-known fact that high levels of iron and hydrogen sulfide in water can cause it to become foul-smelling, unsightly, and unfit for consumption. Some people have even reported severe cases of indigestion after consuming problematic water. Therefore, to ensure the safety and purity of your drinking water, it is best to install an iron filter system. These systems actively eliminate unwanted minerals, providing your family and friends with safe water to drink. Additionally, the filters help prevent rust buildup in sinks, floors, walls, and utensils. Iron filters are the solution to all your water purification needs.
  • Helps Safeguard Kitchen and Bathroom Fixtures: Have you noticed how hard water usage can cause scaling and leave stains on your kitchen and bathroom floors? Even fixtures and walls are badly affected by coming into contact with hard water. This occurs because of the high iron content in the water, which damages surfaces by reacting with them, leaving behind ugly stains. Fortunately, you can quickly solve this problem by installing the right iron filter in your home, instead of spending money on recurring pipe damage or frequent sink cleaning.
  • Helps to Free Water from All Kinds of Sediments: Iron water filters aren’t only intended to reduce iron deposits from tap water; they also eliminate sediment, impurities, and contaminants that may infiltrate the water. By investing in an iron filter, you’re not just getting rid of iron, but also ensuring a foolproof system for safe drinking water.

Choose the Best Iron Removal System for Yourself

Peninsula Water Conditioning Inc. is a leading company in Maryland, providing water conditioning solutions for industrial, residential, and commercial purposes. Our professionals are well-trained to assess water quality at your location and provide the correct solution for your needs. We offer technically advanced iron water solutions to deliver oxygenated water free from foul odour and taste. You can reach us at (410) 341-6500 or email us at We will be happy to help you out!