Softening Water is the Perfect Solution to Treat Hard Water
Water softeners can make life easier and more convenient, especially if you get hard water in your place. Unfortunately, there are several myths about commercial and residential water softeners that people believe, leading to misconceptions and confusion.
To help you figure out the truth about water softeners, we’ve put together a list of false facts and beliefs about them. Read on to learn more to make wise decisions.
8 Myths About Water Softeners
1. They Increase the Salt Content in Water
Water softeners use an ion exchange process to treat hard water. This technique uses a unique medium that is charged with sodium ions. People confuse it with salt and believe that softening water leads to increased salt content in it. However, in reality, it’s not salt that gets added to your water but sodium.
The next time you hear someone say that salt increases in water due to softening, let them know that it is a false perception.
2. They Add an Unhealthy Amount of Sodium to Water
The quantity of sodium added to the water entirely depends on how hard your place’s water is. However, you must know that this quantity is too small to have any adverse effects on your health and skin. In fact, the amount of sodium that a water softener adds is quite less as compared to the average intake of the element through dietary sources such as ham, cheese, white bread, and more.
3. They can Purify Water
Water softeners are typically designed and used to decrease the hardness of water. They are excellent with regards to removing minerals such as calcium and manganese that make the water hard. You must, however, remember that they are not built to remove all the contaminants.
4. Softening Water Tends to Remove Essential Minerals
Based on the fact that the equipment can get rid of calcium, iron, and manganese, most people assume that it should not be used. Essentially, these are inorganic minerals that do not benefit you as much as the consumption of foods that contain them. So drinking hard water will not add to the intake of nutrients.
5. Water Softeners Consume More Electricity, Waste Salt and Water
Although water softeners use water and salt during the regeneration process which many consider as a waste of resources, it is an essential process that helps the equipment work efficiently. There are several advanced pieces of equipment available that use less electricity, water, and salt.
Our Hellenbrand product is made to use 10% resin which results in lower usage of these elements.
6. They are Quite Expensive
Although installing them may require a substantial investment, it can save you money in the long run. Despite the increased consumption of electricity and maintenance, they will help you lower your energy bills by boosting the efficiency of other electrical appliances such as water heaters.
7. Softened Water is Acidic
Although water softeners lower the pH level of water, they do not make it acidic enough to have an adverse impact on your body or other appliances.
8. You Don’t Need It if You Live in an Urban Area
This might be one of the biggest myths of all because even municipal water often contains the minerals that make it hard. In this case, you’ll need a water softener, no matter whether you live in a city or a rural area.
Get the Perfect Solution to Fix the Hard Water Issues
At Peninsula Water Conditioning Inc., we have Hellenbrand’s ProMate 6 Series products that are specifically designed to reduce electricity and salt consumption.
If you have had this question: are water softeners worth it, we hope we have answered it adequately in addition to busting the myths about them.
For more information about our water softeners and associated services, reach out to our technicians by calling 410-341-6500 or 800-616-2644.