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Imagine returning home from a hectic day at work. You prepare your bathtub and fill it with hot water to detox and forget about the day’s chaos. As the tub starts to fill, you smell a rotten egg odour from your water. As the water collects, you notice reddish-brown or orange rust particles floating in your bath water. What is this smell, and what are these particles in your bathtub? Rotten egg smell in tap water and orange water stains are common issues for houses that lack an iron filter. You can quickly get rid of these abnormalities in water by installing an iron removal filter at your home. The filters are easy to fix, and all your water problems in one go. In this article, we will tell you the leading causes of these problems and what all can be done to eliminate them. We will suggest practical ways to prevent iron water from damaging your appliances, floors, washroom, utensils etc.

Why Does My Tap Water Smell of Rotten Eggs?

Iron water can cause a chemical gas called hydrogen sulphide, which has a pungent rotten egg odour when released in water. This gas is mainly found in well-water and groundwater and reaches residential areas through tap water. A certain “sulphur bacteria produces the pungent smell”, specific chemical reactions in the water heaters, or as a reaction with soil and rocks. The two main reasons behind sulphur production are:

  • Sulphur-reducing bacteria
A primary source of hydrogen sulphide in water is Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (SRBs). SRBs are entirely harmless and do not cause any diseases. However, the bad sulphur odour is produced when SRBs “inhale” sulphate ions and breathe out hydrogen sulphide, similar to the breathing process of humans. Just like a stuffy room can get claustrophobic when it’s filled with people, any portion of plumbing where no water flows can get smelly after a while. This happens due to the presence of SRBs. SBRs generally produce a rotten egg odour in the cold water at first. Then the smell subsides as movement of water in the plumbing tube increases.

  • A corroded magnesium or aluminum “anode rod” in the water heater
When you start smelling the pungent smell from your tap water, know that the culprit is your water heater. Most water heaters are equipped with an aluminum or magnesium “anode rod”, designed to protect your water heater tank from rust. When water enters the tank, the sulphate ions in water react with aluminum and magnesium to release hydrogen sulphide gas. The water-soluble gas gets trapped in water when the heater is turned on and emits an ugly pungent smell. The problem worsens if the heater is not in use for long. The stored water releases hydrogen sulphide gas faster and flows down your tap water with a rotten egg smell.

How to Get Rid of Rotten Egg Smell from Tap Water?

Three concrete methods exist to get rid of iron water, the rotten egg smell and the floating iron chunks.

Use the Iron Removal Filter Method to Get Rid of the Pungent Smell

An iron filter can efficiently reduce hydrogen sulphide from your tap water and other solvents like manganese and iron. The iron filter functions by oxidizing hydrogen sulphide and then changing it into insoluble sulphur elements, which is then eliminated through the filtering process.

Add Hydrogen Peroxide to Cleanse your Water

To begin this cleaning procedure, shut down your water heater’s cold-water inlet source. Then drain out the water from your water heater and disconnect the detachable metal hose. After this, use the standard 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and pour one small cup for every 10 gallons of your heater’s capacity (it is best to consult an expert for this). After pouring the solution into your tank, reconnect the metal hose. Turn the cold-water valve on to fill your tank and leave it undisturbed for a few hours. The peroxide present in the water will destroy the bacteria and eliminate the smell in the water. You may also use chlorine bleach, but we suggest peroxide as it is faster and more effective.

Use a Whole House Well Water Filtration System

If you detect the pungent smell from every faucet in your house, then the source is the water itself. For this, we recommend a whole house water filter to ensure the complete purification of water. Irrespective of the sulphur/iron source, a whole house well water filter will eliminate hydrogen sulphide, bacteria and other water pollutants from your house. A whole house water filtration system also includes water softeners that make the water fit for consumption.

Where to Find Whole House Water Filter Installers?

If you are looking for a quick and effective remedy for tap water problems, Peninsula Waters is the answer to all your issues. Our skilled engineers only use the highest quality equipment from our product partner, Hellenbrand. We assure you of sparkling clean water post installation because our iron filters are equipped with enhanced technology. To contact us, mail us at or call and schedule an appointment at 410-341-6500. We will be happy to help you out!